Here we are...Christmas is finally here, it seems.
Tomorrow will be christmas' Eve in many countries in the world, but not here.
It's a strange world for sure. China's been much influenced by the west, commercially speaking. They started decorating hotels and shops more than a month ago but when you ask people what they will do tomorrow night, none will actually celebrate christmas. They're the ones who make most of the plastic christmas trees and decorations you can buy in every country but paradoxically, it is not much of their business...
So, today we went doing the christmas shopping, we bought some small presents to each other, bought some Tequila (a toast for Nicolas!) and scottish whisky (toast to the Happy House and this dear Till!) and we also completed the preparatives by buying a small christmas tree, already decorated (yes, it's pathetic I know), just to have somewhere where to lay the presents under...
We then went to eat for the first time at Giano's, a pseudo Italian restaurant with some friendly staff, and went home by bus, in the night, carrying our presents and our mini christmas tree. (see picture)
Today was also a great day because for the first tim, a class of my students offered me a little present for christmas and that really cheered me up.
So, tomorrow's christmas eve, and we ourselves have no clue of what we'll be doing.
We've been invited to some colleagues'party but we aren't really in the mood for the usual party. So we'll see. Maybe we'll just invite some people and go to a nice restaurant.
In these times, I really miss cooking and the fact of actually having a kitchen.
Anyway, it will be a great day, we have a meeting at nine with a renowned master instructor of TaiChi and then we might have the chance of visiting a flat...
So, to all of you:
We hope all of you will enjoy it, wherever you are and whoever you're with (or not with)...
PS: As one of the biggest supermarkets wrote in huge letters:
Yes, i know, the ones who actually print these things will never be paid enough.