
Sunday, October 15, 2006

10/15/2006- Liangzi Island, Hubei Province

Today, we were invited by the Alliance Francaise of Wuhan on a trip to the Liangzi Island!
This is in the biggest lake of the Hubei Province, and it's a small fishermen island, full of chinese tourists but a pretty island nonetheless.
It's also a good place to eat fresh crabs from the lake and all kinds of fish...obviously.
We'll probably post some more pictures because we've got plenty... These ones were taken with my new camera as well!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

c'est cool que vous ayez pu vous rendre dans une partie "sauvage" de la muraille! c'est qu'elle impressionne, c'est comme un pont droit vers le passé tellement elle est chargé d'histoire et de sueur (et de sang) humaine!

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