
Monday, October 09, 2006

Beijing Street Food

Ok, we're finally back on track...
We are very sorry for the lack of update, we really have had a hard time writing everyday with the internet keeping cutting off with no notice, but at least we'll try to post a photograph everyday!
We just came back from a week of holidays in Beijing...
It was the mid-autumn festival, in China like in Vietnam... Julian Pitt the vietnamese knows what I'm talking about.
It's the celebration of the moon!
The day of the year where the moon forms the most perfect circle. This year was the 6th of October.
People eat mooncakes and gather with the family. So we gathered the very small family, that wasn't very hard to gather, and we left for Beijing to have some nice holidays...
We will probably not have much to say in the coming days so we'll talk about the Beijing Days instead.
As a start, I am happy to share with you one of the things that startled me the most in the 'Grab and Eat' category.
I let you get a close look and try to guess what's in there...
That's all for today, see you all soon!
PS: Bad news for all the mantis lovers, our dear Lucy apparently fell sick (or starved?) and she departed this world. Believe it or not, both Lena and I got real sad about it... Who would have thought?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ca n'a pas l'air tres appétissant au premier abord, mais il faut vivre ce voyage a fond !!!

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