
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Philadelphia Airport

The flight to the states went pretty well and despite all the bad things I had read about US Airways, Paris-Montreal via Philadelphia went fine.
I even changed my return ticket Durham-Philadelphia to be sure I'd have enough time to transit and they did that kindly and without requesting any extra fee.
My arrival to Philadelphia Airport was of course pretty strong with excitement: I would finally set foot in America.
I could finally check for myself and experience what everybody talks about.
I can't say I was very impressed with the service I found at the airport, people were actually quite rude, from the customs to the clerks working in all the food stores.
But of course I won't judge anything from there: that's airport service, not really a good mirror view of the general habits.
One particular example was my desire for a cup of coffee.
Starting to feel the time difference and being tired with the trip, I suddenly decided I should go and grab a coffee before my connecting flight to Montreal.
I took the cheapest one, it cost me about 2$ and something so I basically handed the lady 3 coins that I had personally identified as 3$.
If I remember well, there was absolutely no value written onto them.
The girl blurped in the most unpleasant way: “What is this?“as if I had just thrown a smelling dead fish on the counter.
“I said 2$30,“ she spits.
I get all confused by her lack of understanding.
“Is that not 3$? Sorry, I'm not used to US money.“
“Those are quarters she groans.“
Oops, I get it. I take a 5$ note and hand it to her.
“Mi'o'sug'r?“ another clerk asks.
“.... Sorry?
Oh...err....No, nothing thanks.“
“Black coffee then?“
“Yes, please.“
Then I leave with a full pint of piping hot coffee.
Just to close that wonderful Coffee Event, I'll just add that all I heard about american coffee was still below the truth.
My so-called “coffee“ was soon to end in the sink of the airport's restrooms.

For food, I did jump in the arena and face the lions with no fear and ordered a Chick'Fil'A combo Value sized!
Basically, that's a burger with a chicken filet, some greasy fries and a huge drink.
That was good to get to drink DrPepper again 'cos I kind of missed it after Scotland but the rest wasn't an unforgettable memory to say the least.
It's pretty exciting anyway to see how many fast food brands they have and I probably won't have time to try all of them. And if it's not the time, my stomach will probably give up before anyway. :)
I am now writing from Montreal where I arrived on time and without encountering any problems with the customs: my cheese and wine reached its destination safely :).

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