Here it is, let's see what we'll make of it.
We awoke on the first day of this year in a Beijing hostel room, with sun beaming through the curtains, the chinese flag flying right under it.
We came here to meet Lena's parents who came down to China to make some shopping and meet us for the celebration...and we had the nice surprise to find snow falling over Beijing.
Quite a strange feeling, far from the siberian snow we were used to.
So, here we are, 1st january 2007. Lucky number. Surprisingly no Hang over. Probably the first time in the last...what, 10 years? ; )
So I did grow old, didn't I?
On that day, we went to have an amazing lunch in the Tibetan Restaurant Makye Ame, I highly recommend that place with great style and a very helpful staff. I followed the waitress's recommendations and we really had a gorgeous meal.
Then it was time to head back to Wuhan and back to work.
Once home, we understood that we still didn't get internet back, until, well...yesterday!
So that kind of delayed all the greetings and the blog updates... I hope we'll be able to be more regular now.
Between Christmas and New Year, I made myself a great present too: I bought myself a really cool Ultra-wide angle lens. That is the Sigma 10-20mm, f4-5.6.
I'll try to add some of the shots I took with it so you get an idea of what it can do.
Of course, once again, it's not the camera nor the lens that makes good pictures, so I still have a lot to learn! : )
So, just before leaving you until the next entry, I want to wish all of you a very very very happy Year 2007, hoping that health, love and success will be by your side at all times...

1 comment:
Bonne année, et mes meilleurs voeux à vous deux ! Que 2007 comble vos désirs !
Grosses bises à vous deux !
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