
Thursday, May 03, 2007


So, today was our first day in Hangzhou!
The first thing to say is that it's terribly touristic...Every street is overcrowded and taking a cab or a bus won't really get you anywhere faster than your feet would. Kind of.
But enough said about the things we didn't like about Hangzhou: the weather was glorious, nearly too hot to be honest, and the XIHU (West Lake) really deserves his reputation. That's a very lovely lake, extremely well taken care of and beautified and arranged by the city for tourism.
You could probably spend 2 days to walk all around the lake and see all there's to see.
We'll try to upload some pictures a little later on (by the way, did you notice i added pictures to the Shanghai posts?).
Right now we are sitting in a very cool Cafe called Fotoyard Cafe, it's a cafe-photo gallery. A really nice one with very talented chinese photographers.
They even have a website you may want to check out:
OK, I'll just leave you now and join Lena in her degustation of Nepal Black Tea... ; )

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