
Tuesday, January 30, 2007


These weekends my parents, my sisters, my aunt and her family went to datcha. It was windy, my father warmed the house and the banya.
We had a big dinner in the evening, and our datcha’s neughbours joined us. I miss these family parties so much! A lot of people, dishes, toasts and talks.

When my sisters and I went to banya it was 95C and later it went up to 100C . We could hardly stay inside, just a minute or two and you run away.
Here I put some photos. If you want to see more, go to my photo site!
Take care,


Anonymous said...

Waou! quels jolis chapeaux!! ;-)
et comme tes soeurs ont grandi!!!!

Anonymous said...

Привет дорогие Лили Галя и Нино
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Bania me manque enormement. Un grand bonjour aux parents de notre part. On espere vous revoir bientot. Bizzzes.

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