Ok, so we haven't really had time to order all our pictures yet, but at least we can start showing some here now!
So, when we left for holidays, our first step was Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province.
We flew there at night and slept in a lousy hotel...But we had a great surprise in the morning, only a walk away from the hotel there was a little lake completely crowded with hundreds of Siberian seagulls flying all around it and kids and elders feeding them.
It was really impressive and i took about hundred pictures of the birds, without great success i must admit. : (
My dad would have loved that!

Now, this is a little island on that lake when so many people gather to play music, sing, dance, or just relax. A really sweet place.

That is what we saw on some food stalls while walking at night. We didn't try it though. Can you see what it is?

Ok, that's all for today... There is more to come soon!
See you!
looks like dog to me... yurgh. no worse than cow or pig in my book, but still..
Les poulets qu'on voit cuit a la fin, c'est tu les meme oiseaux qu'on voit dans les premieres photos
Yes Till, that is very doggy indeed! : ) But I see your point!
Mon ami Tony,
Je dois avouer que j'ai bien du mal à comprendre ton canadien cette fois-ci. Dans la dernière image, il n'y a pas de poulet, c'est du chien!!
Et la première image, c'est des mouettes!
Ah, trop chouette ces oiseaux ! J'aurais voulu y être ;-)
Par contre, pour le chien, hum, bof.. . enfin, chacun sa culture.
Beurk, finalement ca pas l'air si bon que ca le chien...
Mais en general vos photos sont geniales!
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