Well, we meant to write yesterday but were too tired to...
I came home at ten and I was so knackered that I just ate and went to bed.
And today, i've got my afternoon free and i was thinking of writing for the blog but the internet's been cut off and it should be so for another week...
So if you get this message, that means I managed to send it from the office.Today I am going to give you a little taste of China...
Giving you a small sample of the funny things we've found in supermarkets here.We'll start with the drinks!
China is like no other place I've been too on that level. I already tried a lot of funny asian drinks before coming here, herbal jelly drinks, exotic fruit drinks and all, but there is such a wider variety here that you could not try everything even if managed to survive the experience after a month.Our first mistake was to be fooled by the meaning of the words they use.
When a chinese says (or writes) Beer or Wine, that doesn't actually mean it IS beer or wine.
For example, they've got Lychee beers which are no beers, and so do they with orange and pineapple beers. All of these are fuzzy drinks but I seriously doubt they've got any element that could classify them in the beer category.
Then, although the ones i quoted so far are not frankly good nor bad, we have to give a special prize for the BLUE DIAMOND beer, that's got a lemon pictured on it but actually tastes slightly of lychee and is quite a pleasant drink.
On the photograph, only the can on the left is actually a real beer.
We were also surprised by the fact that we saw people drinking alone big beers, even bigger than the usual russian ones...
Units are all messed up here, they use ml but you can't find two bottles with the same quantity: 642, 500, 450, 466m...Their small cans of coke or else are of 345 or 350ml.
But the good thing to say is that their beer are very light in alcohol, from 3 to 4 most of the time, but they don't taste as bland and watery as all these fashionable summer or trendy beers like Brahma or Baltika Colours...
I can't say they're fantastic beers but then again I only tried the casual ones.
You should know that a half liter beer costs about 0,20 cents. Yes. China is a good place to live. : )
About wine: They call wine both the thing WE call wine and the rice alcool and liquors they make.
That means drinking a bottle of wine can mean you're going to taste some chinese wine or roll under the table with some of their 50 degrees wine alcohols...Next post: The soft drinks...
Yes, i even taste those.