
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Chinese Student (CS)

Chinese Student likes to sleep, eat and go shopping.
CS is very shy and has a low voice in class, but not after class.
CS likes to experiment with his/her hairstyle: incredible colours, cuts and hairclips.
First year CS in my University has to do morning exercices outside from 6:50 to 7:25 a.m.
CS respects and admires teachers.
CS throws his/her trash on the floor. That's why there are tons of paper, bottles and unfinished food in the classrooms.
CS has a funny English name: Dragon, Tsunami, Kinky, Everyday, Seven, Eleven, Season, SnowKing, Korea, StarSky, WishTiger,Jusea, etc.
CS wants to go to France, because "it's SO romantic".
CS loves everything that has Hello Kitty and Monokuro on it.
CS likes clothes, shoes, bags. It doesn't matter that nothing goes together, it's cute!
CS male likes to caress the knee, the back, the hand of another CS male. It means they are good friends! The same with CS female...
CS doesn't say: "I don't understand". He/She prefers to keep silent and make me crazy with this silence.
CS says: "I speak English", though it might be the only phrase he/she knows in English.
CS comes to an English class to have fun, not to study.
CS yawns, sleeps and burps in class.
CS is a nice experience for foreigners: just a lot of patience, optimism and hope!

Respectfully yours, Orelena.

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