Now we're in Paris, very close to Montmartre where we spent the night (hosted very kindly by a friend)and we are about to leave to go to Beauvais Airport...and then get in the flight to Valencia!!
N.11 “Êtes-vous heureux?“

Journal of a year in China. Then France. Unemployment. Photographs, Texts, Videos and ranting.
Trailer: Of shadows and Men / Les ombres de Yunmeng
Vidéo envoyée par AFoucault
Trailer/Teaser for the documentary ''Of Shadows And Men" by Aurélien Foucault and Cédric Quennesson.
Bande Annonce du film ''Les Ombres de Yunmeng''.
Musique: 綠島小夜曲
This film is 23 minutes long and has been screened as a World Premiere at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival.
If you are interested by screening or seeing this film, please contact us by writing to:
Le film entier est d'une durée de 23 minutes et est à la recherche de distributeurs/diffuseurs.
S'il vous intéresse pour un festival ou une diffusion, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.